MEG is an Alberta company focused on sustainable in situ development and production. MEG’s current bitumen production capacity at the Christina Lake Regional Project (CLRP) is approximately 110,000 bbls/day. MEG Energy examined the feasibility of shallow aquifer CO2 sequestration near one of its operations in the oilsands region. The project conducted appropriate geological and engineering studies to determine the ability of this reservoir to be used for CO2 sequestration.
Carbon sequestration from oil and gas operations is needed to help transition our energy systems towards a low carbon future. Currently, carbon dioxide sequestration is allowed in suitable reservoirs below 1000m depth in Alberta. The safe use of suitable reservoirs that are less than 1000m depth and in close proximity to the oilsands operators will enable greater capture and likely more efficient sequestration from the oilsands, reducing the need for long pipelines to transport captured CO2 to other reservoirs in the province.
In this project, MEG Energy will examine the feasibility of shallow aquifer CO2 sequestration near one of its operations in the oilsands region. The project will conduct the appropriate geological and engineering studies to determine the ability of this reservoir to be used for CO2 sequestration. The project results will support additional efforts in the region to reduce CO2 footprints and inform carbon sequestration regulation in the province.
MEG believes the McMurray saline aquifer in the southern Athabasca region could be used for commercial CO2 sequestration. This Emission Reduction And SEquestration (ERASE) Front-End Engineering & Design (FEED) study is a necessary step to advance the prospect of commercial scale Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in the McMurray saline aquifer.
The ERASE FEED study achieved the project Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), which were as follows: