Clean technology development and adoption is an important part of the provincial economy that can help address sustainability while creating economic diversification opportunities in Alberta. The Clean Technology Program invests in projects to adapt, develop, and deploy innovative clean technology to benefit Albertans and grow the province’s low-carbon economy.

In each of the priority focus areas, we look for projects and activities that improve environmental sustainability, support Alberta’s energy transition, generate jobs in a clean-tech economy, and engage industry, researchers, and communities to participate in advancing our future energy systems.

Team Contacts

Vanessa White, P.Eng., B.A.Sc.

Executive Director, Clean Technology

CCUS and Hydrogen

Ericka Rios, P.Eng., M.Sc.

Program Manager, Clean Technology

Hydrogen Centre of Excellence 

David Van Den Assem, B.Sc., MEDes, MBA, LEED Green Associate

Program Director, Clean Technology

Renewable and Alternative Energy

Robert (Rob) Baker, P.Eng.

Program Director, Renewable & Alternative Energy

Small Modular Nuclear Reactors 

Vanessa White, P.Eng., B.A.Sc.

Executive Director, Clean Technology

Critical Minerals and Emerging Technology

Amanda Mitchell, P.Ag., M.A., B.Sc.

Program Manager, Clean Technology