January 16 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Not everyone has confidence that innovation will only have a positive impact. Many end-users don’t trust innovators with their data. So how do we get them to start? The answer: the ability to demonstrate a commitment to ethics by design.
In the Ethics for Innovators workshop, you’ll learn six key principles of digital data ethics. You’ll build a code of ethics that you can use to guide your current organization and to demonstrate commitment to corporate social responsibility. By integrating ethics awareness in the design and implementation of innovation, you’ll be trained in principles of ethics design that can minimize potential consumer backlash and demonstrate to investors that you have properly analyzed ethics risks.
Upon completion, attendees will receive a certificate from Alberta Innovates and can display their certification on resumes, CVs, and websites.
About the instructor:
This workshop is lead by Dr. Peter Andes, Senior Business Partner managing the Ethics of Innovation Consortium (EoIC) program. Prior to joining Alberta Innovates, Dr. Andes served as the editor of the International Review of Information Ethics, overseeing the publication of a special issue of case studies in artificial intelligence ethics (https://informationethics.ca/index.php/irie/issue/view/34), and taught healthcare ethics for six years at the University of Alberta.
Join us on January 16th, 2025, and don’t miss out on this free opportunity to earn your certificate in digital data ethics.