MEDIA ADVISORY EDMONTON, ABLERTA, August 29, 2022 - Reporters are invited to the announcement of $21 million in new funding for the Alberta Strategy for Patient Oriented Research SUPPORT Unit (AbSPORU). Patients will be available to tell how their personal contributions to patient-oriented research made a difference to them and to the way healthcare is delivered. WHAT: Announcement of new funding for the next wave of Patient-Oriented Research in Alberta WHEN: Wednesday, August 31, 2022 TIME: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. WHO: Katherine Debeaudrap - patient representative Brian Dompe - patient representative Randy Boissonnault - Minister of Tourism and Associate Minister of Finance Michael Strong, President Canadian Institutes of Health Research Tim Murphy, Vice President, Health, Alberta Innovates Roseanne Carey, CFO, University Hospital Foundation Dr. Braden Manns, AHS Vice President, Provincial Clinical Excellence Kelli Buckreus, Executive Director, AbSPORU Dr. Finlay McAlister, Scientific Director for AbSPORU WHERE: Lobby of Li Ka Shing Centre for Heath Research Innovation University of Alberta 8602 - 112 Street Edmonton, Alberta CONTACT: Dwayne Brunner, Senior Manager, Media and Strategic Community Relations Alberta Innovates 587.572.4091 (cell & text) |