March 10, 2020 (Edmonton, Alberta)... The PRIHS V program has released the results for the competition launched in May, 2019. The PRIHS program is designed to align the knowledge production efforts of researchers with the evidence needs of the health system. This is achieved by providing opportunities for researchers to propose solutions to priority health system challenges and access support from SCNs and other expertise within AHS to administer implementation studies. These implementation studies will help AHS identify and advance solutions that improve health care quality, health outcomes and value for Albertans. Projects will run from April 2020 to September 2023. 50 Expressions of Interest were received from 17 Strategic Clinical Networks. 10 applications were invited to full proposal. From that 7 projects were chosen as successful applications. The total funding for all 7 projects is $6.9 million. Successful applicants for the PRIHS V program: Researcher Project Title Institution Award Amount Sara Davison A DiseAse-Inclusive Pathway for Transitions in Care (ADAPT): Alberta Collaborative Pathway for Patients with Complex Chronic Diseases University of Alberta $1,190,942 Steven Heitman Surgery for Non-malignant Colorectal Polyps: Can we do better? University of Calgary $632,174 David Johnson e-Mental Health (eMH) for Youth and Young Adults in Alberta University of Calgary $1,002,045 Rachel Khadaroo Implementation and Assessment of the elder-friendly BEdside reconditioning for Functional ImprovemenTs (BE FIT) following Surgery Study University of Alberta $947,735 Daniel Niven Don't Misuse My Blood: Reducing Avoidable Blood Tests and Avoidable Blood Transfusions in Patients admitted to Critical Care and High-risk Surgical Units in Alberta University of Calgary $751,654 Dana Lee Olstad Empowering food insecure Albertans to manage their diabetes through a subsidized healthy food prescription program University of Calgary $1,480,211 Soroush Shojal Multidisciplinary Support to Access living donor Kidney Transplant (MuST AKT) University of Alberta $994,216 For more information on the PRIHS program, or to see available funding opportunities, visit our PRIHS page.