The ARECCI program helps address and mitigate ethics risks through decision support tools, training opportunities, and project ethics consultation.
All facets of healthcare and human services practice should be conducted in an ethically responsible manner. Interaction with or use of individual information can present ethics risks. In improving healthcare and human services, individuals (whether the public or employees) may be asked to participate, to provide input or for their information to inform decisions. These activities may involve ethics concerns; individuals may potentially experience burden or risks as a result of participating, some may benefit at the expense of others, or there may be potential conflicts of interest.
For research projects, ethical oversight is conducted through the Research Ethics Board, but the path is not as clear for quality improvement and evaluation projects in health and human services. The ARECCI program addresses this gap by arming project leads, sponsors, and organizations with training, tools, and guidance to minimize and mitigate ethics risks.
Each project utilizing ARECCI tools helps protect individuals and their information, develop strong networks dedicated to incremental and immediate improvements, and represents the foundation for sustainable system change.
Project ethics is about applying ethics considerations across a range of knowledge generating projects including quality improvement, evaluation, or needs assessments. These projects are conducted to monitor, assess, and improve patient and public outcomes, access, safety, and the effectiveness of healthcare and human service systems.
ARECCI helps project leaders address and mitigate ethics risks using decision support tools, training opportunities, and project ethics consultation. This strengthens projects and reduces ethics risks while building public trust.
Determine the level of risk of your project, the types of ethics risks and the appropriate type of ethics review.
Click here to learn more about ARECCI’s decision support tools.
Develop knowledge, skills and structured approach to identifying and addressing ethics issues for project success.
Mitigate ethical risks through project ethics consultation.
Click here to learn more about ARECCI’s consultative offerings.
Access ARECCI’s resources for more information about the program.
ARECCI shares highlights through the Alberta Clinical Research Source (ACRS) newsletter. Sign up here for monthly updates on clinical trials, quality improvement, evaluation, ethics, and digital health technologies.