CERIN is a pan-Canadian network of researchers and end-users to develop, test, validate, and deploy technologies to reduce methane emissions (detection, monitoring, and mitigation). The Network is currently comprised of two consortia led by Petroleum Technology Alliance Canada (PTAC) and Natural Gas Innovation Fund (NGIF), and is funded by Alberta Innovates and Natural Resources Canada (NRCan). 

CERIN is an open network that provides the oil & gas industry with a platform to articulate and rank their most pressing methane emission challenges. Industry works with technology developers to test their technologies in the lab and field settings, and the developers refine their designs with the information provided by the testing. Open data sharing across the Network further accelerates technology development, deployment, and acceptance. 

CERIN and the consortia within it are looking to grow our network 

  • Technology Providers: Reach out to PTAC and NGIF to learn how to have your technology considered for testing. 
  • New members to the existing consortia: Academia, research centres and industry should reach out to PTAC and NGIF to learn how to get involved in one of the existing consortia. 
  • New Consortium: Reach out to Alberta Innovates and NRCan to see how to get your consortium added to the Network. 

Funding Consortia 


CanERIC is a comprehensive Canadian network of emissions reduction test facilities with a vision to: 

  • Strongly encourage national integration and collaboration; 
  • Foster cohesive relationships between CanERIC members to expand the number of existing facilities available for use; 
  • Cover the full spectrum of methane detection, quantification, mitigation, flaring, conservation, conversion, as well as Short Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCP) in oil and gas; 
  • Close gaps in technology and field-testing, and avoid duplication; 
  • Provide a one-window access to a full range of specialized facilities and support for Canadian innovators including innovators, academic researchers, technology providers, academia, regulators, policy makers and producers; 
  • Build capacity and skills in highly qualified personnel (HQP); 
  • Create protocols and standards with Canadian and International subject matter experts; and 
  • Maintain Canadian global innovation leadership. 


The Natural Gas Innovation Fund (NGIF), with partners Tourmaline Oil and University of Calgary, backed by a consortium of natural gas producers and researchers, has created the Emissions Testing Centre (ETC). The ETC has several key elements: 

  1. A national network for testing and collaboration of ideas/technologies from multiple participants. 
  2. A physical centre where the capital and associated operating expenses of instrumentation and process control have been covered. A key component of the program is an affordable way to validate technology for monitoring and reducing emissions. 
  3. A way to share information openly to all stakeholders, so that dissemination of results and learnings are available to everyone, and the centre is used in the strategic interest of the Canadian Innovation and Producer ecosystem. 

The program is a collaborative network between natural gas producers, academia, government R&D, and Industry research and service providers. Testing is run on real field facilities, under real-world constraints. Finally, the fully instrumented site provides a means for low-cost testing and evaluation of emissions monitoring and reduction technology. 

Data Warehouse 

The output data is housed by the University of Calgary in an open portal, which allows for sharing of data to all stakeholders beyond the program participants and a stable platform which can exist beyond the time frame of the program. 



Claude Ghazar, P.Eng.

Program Director, Recovery Technologies  

Interested parties may also contact:

John Adams

Managing Director - Natural Gas Innovation Fund (NGIF)

Brian Spiegelmann

CanERIC Project Manager - Petroleum Technology Alliance Canada (PTAC)