Alberta Innovates in partnership with the Municipal Climate Action Centre launched the Municipal Community Generation Challenge on Friday March 15.This Challenge is an innovative collaboration between two AI programs under the Climate Change Innovation And Technology Framework (Clean Technology Commercialization and Clean Technology Networks) that will provide a pathway for municipalities to move towards low carbon community scale electricity generation through the formation of a network/consortium partnership leading to installation of a community generation facility.Community generation includes renewable and alternative energy sources such as solar, fuel cells, wind and biomass. The Challenge does not favour any feedstock or production pathway to achieve emissions reductions over another.The Challenge will see the development of a new renewable electricity generation project(s), which produces a significant community benefit in the form of reduced greenhouse gas emissions, diversification of the local economy and whose data and knowledge can then be transferred to other municipalities within the Province.The Municipal Climate Action Centre is investing up to $7 million and AI is investing up to $3 million for a Challenge total of $10 million in funding for one or multiple projects. With significant environmental and economic benefits available, municipalities can learn how to submit a letter of interest at a free webinar on April 17.