Advancing 3D Architected Thick Electrodes for Next-Generation High-Performance Batteries
NanoXplore and NSERC
Nov 1, 2024 – Jan 31, 2027
This program supports development of next-generation materials, critical minerals, and end products for a more competitive, modern, and sustainable minerals and materials industry.
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Energy Storage and Minerals focuses on the value chains and lifecycles of battery and non-battery energy storage in support of utility scale deployments and emerging consumer technologies. Key technology areas include mineral extraction and processing, multiple forms of energy storage, and material recycling and best practises.
This focus area invests in novel energy storage research, development and deployment projects such as next-generation materials and end products. Alberta Innovates funding enables a more competitive, modern, and sustainable minerals and materials industry.
Energy storage is an affordable and sustainable way to integrate intermittent renewable energy sources and support a reliable, resilient electricity grid.
Focused on advancing multiple facets of energy storage through technology development and pilots, this area targets work in novel energy storage technologies, materials and chemistries.
Focused on innovation in the minerals, mining, and materials sectors in Alberta through investment in solutions supporting the development of next-generation materials, critical minerals, and end products. Strategic priorities include novel primary and secondary extraction technologies, processing of key economic minerals, and the creation of value-add high tech materials from resources and raw materials readily available in Alberta . Critical minerals include lithium, vanadium, titanium, helium, rare earth elements, potash, and others identified on Canada’s list of critical minerals.
Management of battery materials at the end of useful life is important to enable waste reduction, and the development of a circular economy associated with the materials utilized in energy storage.
Focused on supporting technology development and pilots exploring recycling and other end of life technologies.
Due date: Continuous
Funding is open to all categories of lead applicant including technology developers, industry, industrial associations, small and medium-sized enterprises, research and development (R&D) organizations, post-secondary institutions, municipalities, not-for-profit organizations, government research labs, individuals and others, who are advancing technology development within a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) range of 3-7.
Applicants are not required to be based in Alberta, but must demonstrate a clear value proposition for the Province and be able to clearly demonstrate alignment to the program area priorities.
For full details of eligibility criteria, consult the Clean Resources Continuous Intake Program Guide.
Successful applicants must be legally able to execute the Investment Agreement.
For more details on eligibility and the intake process, consult the Program Guide.
If you have determined that your project meets our criteria, please contact a Project Advisor before submitting your Intake Form.
During the review process, Alberta Innovates leverages internal staff with subject-matter and business expertise and external reviewers to evaluate applications submitted.
Proposed projects will be evaluated against criteria in three major categories: Innovation; Execution; and Impacts. The considerations for each criterion are detailed in the SmartSimple online application form.
This white paper aimed to assess lithium production potential from Canadian Oil and Gas Operations in Canada. Highlights of the paper included details on domestic lithium resources, key deposit features, methods for extraction, economics for resource development and lithium projects in Canada at the time of publication.
NanoXplore and NSERC
Nov 1, 2024 – Jan 31, 2027
University of Calgary, Edward (Ted) Roberts
Feb 1, 2021 – Dec 31, 2023
Summit Nanotech
Aug 25, 2021 – Feb 14, 2023
Battery Metals Association of Canada (BMAC)
Jan 1, 2023 – Jun 30, 2025
Deep Cryogenics International
Nanode Battery Technologies Ltd.
Feb 7, 2022 – Sep 30, 2023