Alberta Innovates designs targeted programs to fulfil its corporate goals in alignment with provincial research and innovation priorities. Accountability to stakeholders is made clear through its business plans and annual reports.
We scan the horizon for possibilities, then design and tailor programs to address existing and emerging provincial opportunities and priorities. Our program investments span the innovation continuum – from innovative ideas to development and testing, through to full scale commercialization.
Innovation is risky by its nature. Few ideas are immediately scalable, profitable, or even useable. So, our support at the early stages is vital since others are often unwilling or unable to assume the financial risk.
We take a long-term approach because innovation investments often don’t pay off right away. We look ahead to take steps needed to build a healthy, sustainable and prosperous future for Albertans.
Check out our three-year business plans to see our performance indicators and how our plans have evolved in concert with provincial priorities. You can also see what initiatives we are planning.
Our fiscal year is April 1 to March 31. The annual reports provide a look back at progress in meeting prior-year targets, along with highlights that illustrate successes during the year.
These documents outline our innovation mandate and are a record of our intent to deliver benefit to all Albertans.
Our results and achievements are highlighted annually. Together with our business plans, these documents make transparent how our enterprise is advancing outcomes that fulfil our public mandate and benefit all Albertans: