Building and Implementing a “Data Refinery” to Enable Intelligent Scheduling
Galatea Technologies
Mar 1, 2022 – Sep 30, 2023
The Digital Innovation in Clean Energy (DICE) program supports the development of technology that creates jobs in the digital economy, reduces energy sector emissions, and improves the efficiency of energy production.
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The Digital Innovation in Clean Energy (DICE) program supports the development of digital technologies that create value and jobs while reducing emissions in the energy sector. This is inclusive of technologies in artificial intelligence and machine learning, blockchain, industrial internet of things, unmanned aerial vehicles (drones), virtual and augmented reality, digital twins, etc. While many of these technologies have multi-sectoral potential, the energy industry represents both a wealth of data to de-risk technologies along with cash flow to create value to the developer and the end user.
The Digital Innovation in Clean Energy (DICE) Open Call 3.0 builds on two successful funding competitions. To date, the Digital Innovation in Clean Energy (DICE) program has supported 30 projects completed between March 1, 2020, and August 31, 2023. A total Alberta Innovates funding contribution of $6.1 MM was leveraged 3.3 times for a total project value $26.2 MM for Alberta’s economy.
Project summaries and final reports for completed projects can be found on the Alberta Innovates project library linked here.
The TSRL definitions to be used under this competition are provided in the Resources section below and linked here.
There was a free, 1-hour Digital Innovation in Clean Energy (DICE) III program webinar on Monday, December 11, 2023, from 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM MST. The session involved a formal presentation, followed by a question and answer session. Click here view the recorded webinar.
Click here to view the accompanying webinar slides.
Funding is open to all categories of lead applicant including technology developers, industry, industrial associations, small and medium-sized enterprises, research and development (R&D) organizations, post-secondary institutions, municipalities, not-for-profit organizations, government research labs, individuals and others, who are advancing technology development within a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) range of 3-7.
Applicants are not required to be based in Alberta, but must demonstrate a clear value proposition for the Province and be able to clearly demonstrate alignment to the program area priorities.
Successful applicants must be legally able to execute the Investment Agreement.
For more details on eligibility and the intake process, consult the Program Guide.
During the review process, Alberta Innovates leverages internal staff with subject-matter and business expertise and external reviewers to evaluate applications submitted.
Proposed projects will be evaluated against criteria in three major categories: Innovation; Execution; and Impacts. The considerations for each criterion are detailed in the SmartSimple online application form.
Senior Program Manager, Recovery Technologies
The Digital Innovation in Clean Energy (DICE) program supports the development of technology that creates jobs in the digital economy, reduces energy sector emissions, and improves the efficiency of energy production.
Registration closed: February 1, 2024 12:00 am
November 29, 2023
Alberta Innovates announces $2.5 million in new funding through the Digital Innovation in Clean Energy (DICE) program
March 17, 2022
$13 million in funding across 22 projects represents a significant boost to Alberta's clean technology ecosystem.
October 21, 2021
$2.5 million available to support digital innovation in clean energy projects